A tired mama’s gotta do, what a tired mama’s gotta do

It was supposed to be a day of rest after a tougher than usual procedure yesterday. But mama duties call.

My son woke up with a decent sore throat, so I called him into school and worked on getting him a covid test. Got to CVS at our scheduled time, and they said “oh sorry, the girl who does our tests won’t be here for another hour.” Greeeeaaaat. Ugh. So I drove my son to get a special breakfast for lunch from McDonald’s.

After we got home, I decided to double check to make sure that CVS in fact does rapid pcr. Well, it was a good thing I checked, because it turned out it wasn’t. So canceled that. So much for getting him to school at all today. Sigh.

I still had another appointment for much later in the afternoon at Walgreens that I had made just in case. Looked like I was going to need that one after all. But after talking with my husband, we decided it would be better if we took him to the doctor so they could do an actual exam in case it wasn’t covid but was something else. And thankfully, that doctor’s appointment was earlier than the Walgreens appointment.

Thankfully got my son to do some work that he was missing from being absent that was posted on Google classroom. So that calmed a little of my ocd overthinking guilt about keeping him home. I get that a lot. Making decisions is a huge anxiety trigger for me. And then living with a decision triggers my ocd thinking spiral. So at least the kid was getting some work done.

Then out the door again and off to the doctor. She said it didn’t sound like strep, so that was good. And she said they hadn’t been seeing much covid lately. But we did a test just to be sure. It also checked for flu.

Got home and got him back to some work again. And I finally got into bed to rest and ice my back. Something I had been dying to do all day. A little while later, I got the negative covid result which put my mind at ease, and then I immediately fell asleep. For the next 4.5 hours! Guess I really was tired.

But then up again and helping with dinner and homework and bedtime, until this tired and in pain mama has finally made it to bed for good for the day. Ice on my back. Snack prepared. Netflix at the ready. And I’ll probably fall asleep with the TV on, ice still in bed, and snacks half eaten in my hand.

Good night.

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