Meltdowns and ruined rice

What a morning. My kids have to wear special shirts at their daycare/school. I think it is ridiculous, but whatever. My daughter is a super girly girl and loves all things pink. These school shirts come in white, navy, and red. Blah, blah, and blah. Right now, we are putting long sleeve shirts underneath, which is kind of a pain, but at least she gets to put something a little girly with the boring shirts. So she’s sort of happy with that. But she has this one school shirt, which of course she used to like (you have to love 2.5 year olds) that she hates now because “it hurts” (she’s full of it), and she screams every time I try to put it on her. I really just need to get her another shirt, but today, this is all I had! So the meltdown ensues. Screaming, thrashing, running away. Yay!! I finally get it on her and she’s still freaking out. We move on to medicine (she takes it every day, she’s usually fine with it) and brushing teeth. She proceeds to spit the medicine all over my nice black shirt. Wonderful. Luckily it’s kind of clear. This is going great.

She’s in time out. I run downstairs to throw some rice in the rice cooker. I’m not very good meal planning or finding time or energy to make dinner at all, but I actually planned ahead and was going to have rice cook and then the cooker will keep it warm all day so it was ready when we got home. I actually had it together! Against my better judgment, I decided to wait to turn it on until I left. What was I thinking. More chaos before I left happened and of course…I forgot about the rice. So now when I get home instead of having a nice side of warm rice, I’ll have a cold pile of slop and nothing to go with my left over chicken. And here I thought I had actually done something right for once. Sigh. Maybe another day.

10 thoughts on “Meltdowns and ruined rice

  1. I don’t know how you did it but I jumped right into this post and felt like I was there with you struggling to get that shirt on. Some days we get it all done and other days we’re left with cold slop. Pizza.


  2. Oh, I have had those days, those moments for sure! And we breathe and remind ourselves it’s not the worst thing ever! I like the pizza suggestion for dinner tonight!


  3. oh yes. The things that are so important to them, seem so trivial to us. I have to remind myself of that DAILY with my 9 year old. She even told me this morning, “You just don’t understand me.” She was probably right, but how do I get her to explain it to me. How do I empathize with her, when I cannot understand her? Oh, I think the teen years will be interesting? Subway tonight?


  4. Oh boy, I’ve had this day a million times over. My four year old sometimes complains that her pants ‘hurt’ if she doesn’t like the color. It’s a phase and this too shall pass…

    Also, I forgot to plug my crock pot in one day and came home to uncooked chicken that had been sitting out all day. Just give yourself an A for effort and start again tomorrow. 🙂


  5. Hallelujah!! The settlers rejoice!! I found it on the internet that there is actually nothing wrong with leaving uncooked rice in water all day long! In fact, it makes it cook faster and fluffier! Score! So I got home, turned it on and we were able to eat it for dinner! WOOHOO! So the day wasn’t so bad after all 🙂


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