The Marvelous, Magical Vanilla Creme Donut

I want to encourage each and every one of you to experience the pure ecstasy that is the vanilla creme donut from Dunkin Donuts. If you’re a vanilla fan, it’s a must. If you’re not a vanilla fan, it’s a must. If you are human, it’s a must. It will change your life. Go get one…now. Or wait, read my blog first. Then GET ONE.

The first 30 years of my life were spent wasted on chocolate glazed and sugared donuts (okay, not wasted…those are damn good too). As the glorious smells of confection perfection filled my nose, I would begin to ponder which amazing O shaped treat would be mine this time. But the vanilla creme is stealthy and evaded my sights. It lays in wait, disguised as a delicious but ultimately subpar Bavarian cream. The small fluff of snow white cream popping out of its side is the only clue as to its true identity. And sometimes that is even unseen. It wants only the finest connoisseurs to indulge in its decadence. This delectable pastry hides within it, a secret creamy sweetness that won’t be ignored or outflavored.

One bite into the vanilla creme and you’ll know what heaven will be like…never ending vanilla creme donuts that never fill you up. Never hurt you. Never leave you alone on a Saturday night. Or morning. Or mid morning. Or middle of the night… It’s there for you in good times and bad. Filling you with joy even when you feel sad or empty. Eating one of these is…euphoric. Awareness of the outside world melts away for the few intoxicating moments when the flavor washes over YOUR SOUL.

If this slice hasn’t caused you to speed down the street to your nearest DD yet, then maybe you’re a visual person:

vanilla creme

Seriously, go get one NOW. Well, maybe wait until morning so they are stocked and fresh. And if you’re unlucky enough to have a dunkin near you that doesn’t carry them (the closest one to my house doesn’t carry them!!) then, after egging the windows (no…), find the nearest one that has this fantastical donut. It has changed my life in such profound ways…I even pile them on top of each other for my birthday cake now!

And if you’re a weirdo who really doesn’t like vanilla…some of the dunkin’s carry CHOCOLATE creme donuts 😁

You’re welcome.

11 thoughts on “The Marvelous, Magical Vanilla Creme Donut

  1. Oh no! I can’t wait to go get one thanks to your fabulous descriptions.
    But now there’s another temptation to overcome. Still… tomorrow’s definitely the day for me to have one of these. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I used to eat those all the time in high school, totally forgot about them until now. Before the week is up I will have one (or like 6) of those delicious donuts!


  3. I have had the honor of experiencing this ‘delectable pastry’ and I 100% agree with you…they are amazing! And now, thanks to your wonderful slice filled with amazing sensory words, I want 10 of them. I think I might pass on the paczkis and go get one of these instead.


  4. You know, apparently just *thinking* about something sweet can cause your insulin levels to spike. So, since your incredible description (and a photo – how is that even fair?) has already caused some damage, it seems like the least I can do for myself is go get one. But WAIT. I live in Canada now. Here’s hoping that Tim Hortons has something like this – or that I can track down the elusive vanilla cream donut at one of the few, sad Dunkin Donuts. I bet they even spell it “creme” up here. What a fun slice!


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