A great day

I have a lot of hard days. Days with pain. Days with stress. Days with more pain. But today was a great day.

I drop my daughter off at school and I now had a couple hours before I had to head off to therapy. I often rest and watch TV or read. But since I’ve been sick all week and then had injections, I’ve been laying around too much! It’s 42 degrees and sunny outside, and I decide it’s time to get outside for a walk! And a walk by myself, even better! It was glorious. I could feel the sun and the fresh air lifting my mood. I loved how I saw little signs of Spring popping up from the ground and on the trees.

Then therapy. It’s really great to be able to go and talk. Talk about anything I need. Talk to someone who has to listen to me, lol. Talk to someone who isn’t expecting me to be invested in what she’s doing or how she’s feeling. It’s all about me. And that feels good and really helps.

After therapy, I was going to pick my daughter up right away, but timing wise, it actually made more sense to wait a bit. So instead, I parked my car in the lot of a forest preserve across the street. I gave myself a view of a stream and pond, rolled the windows down, and turned the car off. I luckily had my book in my car, so I read to the sounds of quiet nature.

When we got home, it was just too nice outside to go in. My daughter wanted to dig for worms. In between helping her, I did some garden cleanup…clearing out all of the dead plants and leaves, etc. Even though, it’s not the same as actually planting flowers or getting to see pretty blooms, I love this part. It is Winter’s grip being loosened. It is Spring poking its head out.

My night ended with my son giving me performances of The Greatest Showman songs.

It was a great day.

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