
It had been over a month since I had last stepped into the fitness room at the gym to take the zumba class. I missed it so much and each passing week, I really wanted to go, but my body just wouldn’t let me. Between my back and my sickness, I was just a mess and my body needed time to rest.

Finally, last night, I felt well enough to shake it with my favorite instructor! I started with her 4 years ago and have loved her more than any other instructor I have ever taken class from. When she left my old gym, I was devastated (this was actually what my very first slice was about last year). She subbed here and there, and I would go whenever I could. Then last year, she started teaching right near my work. I was so excited! It’s a lot farther away than before but worth it. And what was fun was that I already knew most of her choreography, so I looked like a rock star when no one else knew what they were doing, lol.

Recently, her class has moved a few minutes closer and got a little cheaper! So I’ve been  trying to go as much as I can. Until the plague was brought down upon me. Last night felt so good. And bad. Ha. It was great to get out of the house by myself for something other than a doctor’s appointment. It was great to get my body moving again. It was so much fun dancing again. Man, do I love to dance. It was not so great when I was getting exhausted less than half way through! It was not so fun when my back began to ache even earlier than usual. (zumba is TERRIBLE on my chronic back pain, but it’s the only exercise I really love and it helps keep me sane too…I even wore that tshirt last night…”I workout  to burn off the crazy.” I  quit for a little while because it was hurting so much, but I couldn’t stay away). But she played one of my favorite songs right at the end, and that got me pumped up again and able to finish.

I paid for it today. Boy, did I ever. Pain was awful today. But I’m still glad I went.







7 thoughts on “Zumba!

  1. I LOVE Zumba too! I like the line: ‘Last night felt so good. And bad’ Zumba can kick me, even when I’m only tired, but I do love – just like you said. Glad you are back – just take it easy – right…. : )


  2. I LOVE ZUMBA TOO!! i used to do it 2-3 times a week while at school and we had classes at the gym. But since i have finished college, gyms that offered classes were way over my budget. I just recently joined CRUNCH and have started taking their zumba classes – it is the such a fun way to workout! just dancing 🙂


  3. Hope your feeling better . zumba is great. I have a CD and try to workout wit it weekly. Take it slow and you’ll get back into the swing.


  4. Glad you got back into Zumba. I love Zumba. Started 6 months ago and with all my medical issues I never thought I’d do anything so active. It’s been great! Love dancing for exercise! So fun! Ease back into it!


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